The reflections of Archbishop Anastasios as he was deciding to become a missionary...

"Is God enough for you? If God is enough for you, go! If not, stay where you are. But, if God in not enough for you, then in what God do you believe?"
(Archbishop Anastasios of Albania)

Monday, July 19, 2010

Introduction: A bit about myself

Thank you so much for visiting my blog - my first one ever as a matter of fact! The reason that I have created this blog is to help share the good news of Orthodox missions, and to share with you some of my thoughts along the way as I am preparing for my final year of seminary at Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology. More importantly I would like to ask for your prayers, love, insights, and any support that you feel might be of any benefit for us while my family and I prepare to serve in ordained ministry, and as I prepare to discern my calling (as well as that of my family's) in the mission field.

I was born and raised right here in the Boston area, I spent some time in the Army, some more time in Afghanistan, I've been married for four years to my wife Tiffany who in a Registered Nurse at Shriner's in Boston, and we have a two year old son Joseph with another one on the way in November.

As far as the east is from the west, shall my reflections be imperfect. I am not a theologian, and I am not a spiritual person.  But I am nevertheless in the process of being formed for a vocation in ministry and I do feel as if I have a clear purpose in my ministry. With this in mind, I feel that I can still conjure up some interest in the neccesity of missions in all of our lives as Christians. With God's grace and your cooperation, I hope and pray that my brothers and sisters and Christ will support me while I offer my thoughts.

With love in Christ,
Jason Dickey

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